im hungry~

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Method for the 1st experiment (marking the objects)

1. Prepare objects with different surfaces such as plastic, glass and cotton
2. Get different 3 coloured sharpies and permanent markers of other brands and mark each surface with a one centimetre mark from each marker.
3. Wait for a period of 4 weeks.
4. Check how permanent the each marker is by noting the change of the mark and scrubbing.

Method for 2nd experiment:

1. Pour 20mL of each solvent into each container.
2. Mark a piece of cloth with a type of permanent marker.
3. Leave it in overnight.
4. Take it out of the solvent and scrub it.
5. Note any colour changes and record the results.

1 comment:

  1. Carol, you need to do more work than this! This is just the very basics of what I would normally expect.

    Make sure you do more work!

