im hungry~

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Method for the 1st experiment (marking the objects)

1. Prepare objects with different surfaces such as plastic, glass and cotton
2. Get different 3 coloured sharpies and permanent markers of other brands and mark each surface with a one centimetre mark from each marker.
3. Wait for a period of 4 weeks.
4. Check how permanent the each marker is by noting the change of the mark and scrubbing.

Method for 2nd experiment:

1. Pour 20mL of each solvent into each container.
2. Mark a piece of cloth with a type of permanent marker.
3. Leave it in overnight.
4. Take it out of the solvent and scrub it.
5. Note any colour changes and record the results.

my beautiful climatic graph...

yea here it is...
i did two separate graphs and then put them together on paint since im hopeless at photoshop and as katherine pointed out, there isnt suppose to be a 'c' in between the 'a' and 't' in climatic
today i bought a new pack of sharpies for my experiment. i was trying them out but now i have a headache... permanent markers do not smell very nice TT
anyways i went on the internet to find out more about permanent markers and while researching i also (unfortuantely) found out the actual answer for my experiment- no permanent markers are not permanent
according to ehow, for a permanent markers to be permanent, it only has to satisfy two qualifications:
1. it dyes or pigments and
2. it must adhere to most surfaces and be water-resistant

Sunday, May 9, 2010

i did some research on permanent markers and i found that it is generally water resistant as it contains solvents such as xylene, toluene or alcohol but can be removed with denatured alcohol, acetone, steam
so for my experiment i'll also try using nail polish remover which contains acetone to get rid of the mark...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

today i did my marking of the permanent markers and marked on plastic (my calculator), glass (this wine bottle), metal (this metal thing that holds stuff) and cotton (one of my old t-shirts) and i marked each one with a black, orange, red and blue? sharpie
and now i wait...